Hildegard - September Update
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 01:08:19 AM
Hello everyone!
It’s been a productive month in terms of game development! I have spent the majority of my time collaborating with the artists and finalizing the cards for Chapters 1-2.
Development Status:
Chapter 1 is 90% complete. This includes all illustrations, writing, layout, mechanics.
What’s left to do: Editing, Balancing, and Testing.
Chapter 2 is about 75% complete. The writing, layout, and mechanics are done. About 50% of the illustrations have been turned in, colored and locked.
What’s left to do: About half the illustrations, then Editing, Balancing and Testing.
Chapter 3 is about 50% complete. The writing, layout are almost done.
What’s left to do: about half the illustrations. The mechanics of the final enoucounter are still being sorted out, which includes three rule cards I have left to finalize, then Editing, Balancing and Testing.
Chapter 4 has been outlined, and 1 illustration completed.
Which leads me to an exciting annoucement! Audrey Rouvin has joined the Hildegard team! Audrey is an incredible illustrator and has already completed 5 pieces for the game. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have her onboard. Her primarly focus on Hildegard is architectural illustrations. At certain points in the game I wanted to have important location’s highlighted. Audrey brings a warmth and charm to these locations that fit the game perfectly. You can check out a broad range of her work on her instagram page @audry_rouvin
Sy Gardner has started on his illustrations as well. He sent me his first piece for Chapter 2 last friday. I quickly colored it up and dropped it in. Wonderful stuff! Currently, he’s working on a special section mid-way through Chapter 2. I can’t wait to see how it turns out! Sy is zeroing in on landscape art, and killing it.
Diego is working at a brisk pace of 3-4 new pretty pictures a week. He blew through chapter 1 and is steamrolling through chapter 2 and 3 as I type! His focus is character and item art. We decided to skip forward a bit and do an encounter from Chapter 3 just because we were excited about it. Needless to say, I am fired up by the results!
Here is a sneak peek, a cardback by Audrey from Chapter 2!
A little bookkeeping
Survey’s are out. If you have not gotten the email with the provided link, please reach out via DM and I will give you a new link to access it.
Those who pledged for the Gray Oaks Bundles should either have Spire’s End, or it’s in transit to you at this time. There are 3 people that have not completed the survey for these bundles - if you are one of them, please do so, and I can get them out to you!
For the 3 backers who pledged for the Artisan Bundles - your copies of Spire’s End should also have been recieved at this time, if not, it is in transit. Diego and I have personaly reached out to you via email to coordinate your orginal illustration.
Q & A
How long will the Pledge Manager be open? It will remain open until it’s time to finalize shipping and add-on costs for fulfilment - hopefully late spring.
When will you have the finalized art for the playmat? The playmat’s finished design has to come last. Rest assured, you will get to see how it looks in it’s final form before the pledge manager closes. Please note, the general look/style is as pictured. The current plan is to add art to the player card sections.
Is the slated fulfullment time still July 2022? Yes - we are on schedule.
When are you planning to do updates. Once a month. Usually the final week of the month until the game is out the door.
For any questions, comments or concerns please reach out to me via DM. Thanks again, as always for your support and patience while we continue to make the best game we possibly can
Greg & Hildegard Team
Quick Hildegard Update
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 05:33:33 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
That's a Wrap!
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 04:28:53 AM
Well, this went a little different than I thought it would! Wow! I would like to thank everyone for this incredible level of support. I am very touched by the comments, suggestions and enthusiasm!
I couldn’t have done this alone. I had help from a lot of awesome people who believed in Hildegard. I want to thank them for making this game's continued development a reality.
James at Vorpal Board - for humoring me with playthroughs and videos
Jesse & Jan at Quackalope - for embracing the game and making videos because they dug it
Derrick at Canje Studios - for playtesting and playthrough videos
Ian at Meeple Mountain - for playtesting and reviewing the demo
Chad at Of Dice & Men Podcast - for playtesting
Kev at Tabletop Upgrades - for tutorial videos
Kevin at Board Game Time-lapse - for playtesting
Gerardo at Go AudioVisual - for the awesome animations
I want to give a huge thanks to Diego Frías for making such incredible imagery, and Christian Thomas for dealing with my endless read throughs. I am eternally grateful.
Lastly, thanks to my family for dealing with my lunacy 24/7.
What happens now?
I am going to continue what I’ve been doing for the past year. Keep plugging away on this game until it’s done. On the creative side of all this we are making great strides. The second half of the game is starting to take shape now!
On the bookkeeping side of things, you all should get the Backerkit surveys in the next few weeks. I will let everyone know when that hits.
For those of you that were able to get one of the 50 leftovers of Spire’s End from the last run, that will be the first order of business after the surveys are complete. Those game are already packed up and ready to head out.
For those that didn’t get a copy of Spire’s End that wanted one, Pre-Orders are available now at spiresend.com, and will not be available in the pledge manager. Remember, Hildegard has a long ways to go. Spire’s End is already ramping up for another print run now. They are being delivered at different times, from different locations, with different fulfillment.
Alright! I think that’s about it! I'll get back to coloring illustrations. I certainly have a lot of them, and wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’ve put everything I have into making this game. I will continue to do so until it’s on boats and in planes and headed out to you. Let’s have some fun with this!
Thanks again,
Hildegard Update - Week 4
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Aug 07, 2021 at 05:06:06 AM
My shock and amazement continue to grow as we head into the final week of this campaign!
This morning Christian and I broke down, and refined the story beats for Chapters 3 and 4. I’ve always known where the game was going, but we're now sorting out some the finer details. Needless to say, it’s going well! I’m currenlty 17 cards deep into Chapter 3.
In other news:
Look out for my interview on Crowdfunding Demystified Podcast. I don’t know which episode yet. When I get those details I will get the word out.
I’m excited to announce that Spire’s End: Hildegard will be previewed in the next issue of Senet Magazine! It’s a wonderfully designed publication. Check them out if you get a chance! Hildegard will show up in the September issue! I want to thank them for taking the time to speak with me.
Lastly, it looks like I will be heading back on Vorpal Board to play some more Hildegard! I’m still sorting out the details, but I will announce that as well on Instagram and Twitter.
See you next week!
This week instead of showing a new illustration, I thought I would show some completed cards. Check it out!
Hildegard Update - Week 3
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 12:34:30 AM
Here we are at the end of week 3. The state of this campaign is beyond belief. As always I am touched and grateful for all the support. I will do my best to make Hildegard the best it can be.
This is another short and sweet update, similar to the last. Diego and I are in full swing now. Averaging 3-4 completed illustrations a week, and I’ve started up formal writing on chapter 3. I can’t tell you all how excited I am about how the new stuff is turning out.
Moving forward I am going to attempt to close the curtains a bit on the illustrations (don’t want to spoil everything), but at this point it’s too much fun! Plus, I’ve only shared art from Chapter 1 (with 2 exceptions).
Here’s the latest image all finished up!