
Spire's End: Hildegard

Created by Greg Favro

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Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hildegard - February Update
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 01, 2022 at 01:53:50 AM

Hey guys!

This is a short and sweet update.

At this point, it’s a seven-day-a-week blitz to get everything done. All the major lifting is complete, but I am working out a ton of technical details regarding delivering the files. We are in the proofing/testing/tweaking phase.

As soon as I complete this, I will be back to converting the rule book to its final size then rolling over into some additional playmat work. Tomorrow I have yet another read-through for Chapter 3, and then I will be heading out for some in-person playtesting.

I have added three more illustrations to the game in places I felt needed it the most, and Diego just finalized the artwork for the playmat. Speaking of which, here is a look at the final artwork to be included on the playmat (seen above). Very happy with how this turned out! Diego did it again!

Until next time,


Hildegard - January Update
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 12:05:57 AM

The complete prototype of the game was ordered yesterday! This means the illustrations, coloring, writing, and three passes of editing are complete!

It was bittersweet getting the final illustration for the game. I told Diego, "I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this." Part of me doesn't want it to end. Coloring the illustrations has been one of the great joys of doing this project. I will miss it.

For those keeping score, the final game has:

  • 408 Cards total
  • Chapter 1 - 108 Cards
  • Chapter 2 -108 Cards
  • Chapter 3 - 95 Cards
  • Chapter 4 - 97 Cards
  • 165 unique illustrations

Here is everything that has been added beyond the scope of the original plans, which has ALL been completed.

  •  2 Unlockable Achievement Cards. 
  • 2 Extra Fishing Card (seamlessly incorporated into the game)
  • 1 Additional Landscape Illustration by Sy Gardner
  • 16 Additional Illustrations by Audrey Rouvin
  • 29 Additional Illustrations by Diego Frías

The box size and insert plans have been finalized. It should be able to hold the entire game sleeved. The prototypes for all the dice are complete and look rather snazzy, I might add.

What's left to do?

  • The box art is not yet complete.
  • The rules, layout, and design are finished but need to be resized now that I have the actual box dimensions. That will take some time.
  • The playmat isn't finished yet. I have not finalized the size and design. The illustration is currently in Diego's hands. His final work for the game!
  • Nick (Editor) and I will continue to revise the copy.

Lastly, once the prototype of the cards rolls in (next week, hopefully). I will tweak/adjust and playtest the game until I feel comfortable releasing it for production. At that time, I will drop all 408 cards (which are already production-ready) into the final template and blast them off. My goal is to have everything completed and handed off by the last day of March.

As of today, Covid has not affected this project in any way. Work with my manufacturer hasn't skipped a beat. Everything is on time and thus far looking great. Now, it's hard to say what the future holds, but right now, I'm feeling optimistic. Let's hope that keeps up.

I leave you with the final illustration done for the game. Some of you may recognize the character. It's a bit poetic because it's also one of the first characters Diego and I worked on together. I thought it would be fun to show the illustration prior to me painting it up.

Until next month!

Hildegard - December Update
about 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 10:51:49 PM

Happy New Year!

I've managed to keep the ball rolling during the Holidays here. In terms of game production, a ton has been completed.

There are about 15 illustrations left to be made for the game. The final illustration will be for the playmat, which we will tackle last.

I have finalized the packaging sizes and received the templates from my manufacturer. The box design is similar to the one shown on Kickstarter and the website. It will open like a matchbook, with a slip-cover, similar to the other game (Spire's End). Once opened, the game will be presented in 4 card decks separately wrapped.

All the dice designs have been finalized. The PMS colors have been selected, and prototypes are being made.

I have taken the final pass on the rulebook (now called the Survival Guide), and it's back in Nick's hands for another round of edits. The Two-Player game rules have been overhauled. I decided that the 2nd player could have more agency and needed to feel more like an individual player instead of an extension of Player 1. I will post the revised rules at In short, the 2nd player has their own set of rolls/attacks now, and the Face-Off encounters have alternative stats/challenges in a 2 Player Game. It's a much better experience all around, trust me on this one.

Read-throughs on Chapter 4 are ongoing. It's required a little more care than the previous chapters. Christian (Story Editor) and I have about 15-20 cards left to massage before they are handed over to Nick (Editor) for the first round of edits.

My goal for January is to have all the illustrations completed and colored, then prep all 4 decks for the prototype.

That's it for now! See you in 2022!

(Seen below is a new character from Chapter 3)

Hildegard - November Update
about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 12:35:56 AM

Hey guys,

I can finally say all the story cards have been written! Not an easy task, but they’re all there. I’ve slept better since.

Now that all the story cards are where I can see them, my focus is on the narrative experience and refinement. I’m doing a lot of read-a-louds and internal play-throughs. It’s important that it reads smoothly when spoken. If I’ve done my job correctly, there shouldn’t be a lot of verbal stumbling as the narrator. The game is meant to be heard, just as much as read.

The mechanics of the single-player game are about 80-90% complete, I just need to iron out some of the kinks on the final encounter. Once that’s done, I will go back and do some additional work on the two-player encounter experience.

There are 36 illustrations left to be made for the core game, most, if not all of it will be handled by Diego. Then there will be 1-2 final illustrations for the playmat, and that should do it!

At this time, the game is still on schedule, but the next month or so will determine whether the files can be handed over by the end of March (the deadline for a July 2022 delivery). I’m optimistic but also cautious. My schedule doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room. But rest assured, this project is well on its way.

Happy Holidays! See you next month,


Hildegard - October Update
about 3 years ago – Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 09:22:02 PM

Hi folks. We've had a productive month!

Development Status:

Chapter 1: Writing Complete. Design/Layout Complete. Illustrations Complete. Editing/Testing Ongoing

Chapter 2: Writing Complete. Design/Layout Complete. 4 Illustrations left. Editing/Testing Ongoing

Chapter 3: Writing Complete. Design/Layout Complete. Illustrations, Editing/Testing Ongoing

Chapter 4:Writing 75% Complete. Design/Layout 75% Complete. Illustrations, Editing/Testing Ongoing

Currently, both Diego and Audrey are working on illustrations for Chapters 3 & 4. I am working on the writing, design, and mechanics for the final 35 cards of Chapter 4 and coloring all illustrations as they’re turned in.

Since the campaign has ended, Diego has completed over 50 illustrations, and Audrey has completed over 20. The cards are coming along beautifully, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished thus far. The collaboration between the three of us has been incredibly rewarding.

I want to welcome Nick Fletcher to the Hildegard team! He's come on board as an additional editor.

Lastly, if you haven’t checked it out, the latest issue of Senet Magazine has come out, and Hildegard is featured!

Okay, that’s it until next time. Here’s a taste of what we’ve been doing!